Mr. Car and the Knights Templar

Director: Antoni Nykowski
Year Released: 2023
Rating: 0.0

A broken cross from the Knights Templar is discovered and brought to a museum in Poland, which then leads several individuals, including historian Tomasz (Mateusz Janicki), journalist and fencer Anka (Sandra Drzymalska), mysterious Karen (Maria Debska), assassin Adiós (Jacek Beler) and three persistent Scouts to go looking for the rest of the 'magical' relics, which can supposedly bring the deceased back to life.  For being a "family movie," it would have been better focusing on just the kids which is where it feels (relatively) more comfortable (car bombs and bathroom fights don't fit) ... but even then it's bloated and lacks a genuine sense of 'adventure.'  If you're forced to sit through this (I was deceived into thinking it would be significantly quirkier), play the game of Spot the Influences: there's National Treasure, the Bond movies, Wes Anderson's work, The Hunger Games, etc.  Also desperately needed: extra gadgets for the 'tricked out' vehicle, like a flamethrower or rockets.