The Burbs

Director: Joe Dante
Year Released: 1989
Rating: 2.0

While staying at home for vacation, Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) becomes intrigued by the strange Klopek family (consisting of Henry Gibson, Brother Theodore and Courtney Gains) that moved in next door so he, along with neighbors Mark (Bruce Dern) and Art (Rick Ducommun), sneak around (and even break in) to find out if they're Satan-worshiping murderers and why they're digging holes in the backyard.  Before Hanks became regarded as one of the great American actors, it's pretty interesting to watch him in his earlier days and eagerly did silly comedies like this: there's a lot of cartoonish bumbling and it isn't exactly laugh-out-loud funny, but it does show his incredible range. To its credit, the script (by Dana Olsen) also provides a nice twist on the warning about spying on strangers: sometimes, they really are up to something evil.