Stay Hungry

Director: Bob Rafelson
Year Released: 1976
Rating: 1.5

Jeff Bridges tries to get the owner of a gym in Alabama to sell the building so the city can build a skyscraper in its place - trouble is, the 'star' of the gym is Mr. Universe, Arnold Schwarzenegger (playing Arnold Schwarzenegger), and the two become friends. In a strange way, it's a little like Jeff's brother Beau Bridges' 1970 film The Landlord, where Beau, a rich man, goes to the projects and learns to embrace his lower-class self - here, the poor people are replaced with foreign body builders and 'lower-class' gals like Sally Field. The humor is too forced and silly to be effective, and the film's roll-with-it attitude precludes it from arriving at some actual point. The title, incidentally, refers to Arnold's desire to avoid sticking with one girl and "stay hungry" for all women - that's California's Governor for you.