A Mighty Wind

Director: Christopher Guest
Year Released: 2003
Rating: 0.5

Let's get serious here: who thinks this is funny? Like, at all? Even remotely? I laughed exactly one time - Eugene Levy's murmuring about "Crabbe Town" - but the rest of the time I sat and stared, totally disinterested, almost beside myself. Guest has a pretty odd idea as to what should be 'mocked' by his fake documentaries - bad theatrical actors, people obsessed with their pets and now retired folk singers: these people strike me as being lame in themselves, and do not require any further commentary. Why then does he persist in redoing This Is Spinal Tap with every passing film - because let's face it, Reiner's picture is probably one of the most overrated films in existence. Why not try to do an original story? Or pick a target that's less obvious and pathetic (like the Coens, he cruelly revels in making fun of his subjects)? Of all the e-mail I've gotten regarding my 2-cent opinions, one of the movies people most argue with me over is Best in Show, which I believe is one of the most intolerable films of the last five years. I find it hard to fathom that society's sense of humor is this dorky: knock-knock jokes? Bad puns? What's wrong with you people? Are you kids on dope?