Sudden Impact
Director: Clint Eastwood
Year Released: 1983
Rating: 1.5
Entry number four in the Dirty Harry series has infamous Inspector Callahan (Eastwood) getting into trouble with his superiors for his destructive (albeit effective) tactics - shooting robbers in a diner, making threatening remarks to a mobster so his heart gives out, stealing a van from a nursing home, etc. - and is eventually sent to the (fictitious) town of San Paulo, where fine artist Jennifer Spencer (Sondra Locke) is busy enacting revenge against the gang that raped her and her sister (who's catatonic as a result). While this does contain one of the most famous lines in movie history, at this point in time Eastwood-as-director isn't quite refined yet (there are a few attempts at humor that fail, like a flatulent canine), the story is preposterous and the second half skips around entirely too much. It's a little interesting how it brings in new villains at the end in order to give Locke's avenging blonde devil a "pass": no reasonable individual is going to argue sexual assault is ever justified, except the whole idea of "taking the law into your own hands" is ethically and morally slippery territory that required a more intricate screenplay.