The Royal Hotel

Director: Kitty Green
Year Released: 2023
Rating: 0.5

Canadian friends Hanna (Julia Garner) and Liv (Jessica Henwick), who are a part of a "work and travel program" in Australia, accept a job working at the title dive bar that's owned by Billy (Hugo Weaving) - while there, they face constant harassment (Hanna is repeatedly told she needs to smile more) and unwanted sexual advances.  Director Green said she based this on the 2016 documentary Hotel Coolgardie - which is about two female backpackers from Finland who were employed by a pub in a mining town - but she doesn't really have anywhere to go with it or anything meaningful to say: the men are drunken savages and the (few) women aren't much better, so our leads are constantly hunted after by irrepressibly horny blokes.  Its overly simplistic look at the male-female dynamic borders on the offensive: I understand loneliness can have its drawbacks, but it doesn't necessarily turn everyone into predators.  Oh, and since the movie wasn't courteous enough to finish the joke, I will: Why don't blondes talk during sex?  Their mothers taught them never to speak to strangers.