Perfect Bid: The Contestant Who Knew Too Much

Director: C.J. Wallis
Year Released: 2017
Rating: 0.0

Middle school math teacher Ted Slauson, who is obsessed with the TV game show The Price Is Right (which was famously hosted by Bob Barker), takes it upon himself to actually memorize the cost of each of the items shown on past episodes - and even create a computer program around it - so when he appeared in the audience (... multiple times) he was able to help himself (and others) win big prizes.  The way it's shot and edited is hardly the smoothest - it even tries jamming in background details of the program from long-time producer Roger Dobkowitz - but nothing can hide the fact that this should be, at most, a twenty minute short-subject documentary and not a feature.  They really will make a movie about just about anything - no matter how trivial - in this mad scramble for "content in the age of streaming": I'm still waiting on filmmakers to show up at my door and ask me to talk about a riot that started at one school I was teaching at (it's fine, only a few people were hurt).