Cry Macho

Director: Clint Eastwood
Year Released: 2021
Rating: 3.0

Once famous rodeo star Michael Milo (Eastwood) is asked by his former boss (and friend) Howard (Dwight Yoakam) to journey into Mexico to find his son Rafo (Eduardo Minett) and bring him back to Texas - he does locate him and fulfill his mission but not without a struggle, and constant harassment from Mexican police and other meddlers.  At its core, it really is a bit of Old School Hollywood filmmaking - which is sometimes awkward but always endearing - as Clint takes on "toxic masculinity": auteur theorists will have a fun time comparing and contrasting this with movies he's made in the past and how he's "turned the corner," lambasting those who try to "act tough" but are really weak inside.  A lot is being made about Eastwood's age (he's currently 91) and while that is quite old and he's not what you can call "spry," he does look quite alright at home on top of a horse - to bring back a phrase once used to describe the French Foreign Legion, "the damned die hard."