
Director: Sara Colangelo
Year Released: 2020
Rating: 2.0

In the wake of the September 11 attacks, mediation specialist Kenneth Feinberg (Michael Keaton) volunteers pro bono to take on the nearly impossible task of assigning numerical values to the lives of individuals killed (with the help of assistant Amy Ryan) - his "toughness" in following a mathematical formula to do the calculations gets tested when Charles Wolf (Stanley Tucci), whose wife Katherine was on the 97th Floor of the North Tower, challenges him.  For something as inherently depressing as that day was (and still is, twenty years later), the movie seems compelled to make it even more sad (instead of trying to find an emotional balance) and "dumb down" the very relevant points Wolf was making (and are still available to view on his website), just turning it into a battle between two ideological viewpoints: Feinberg's "there's no such thing as fairness" versus Wolf's "the government needs to recognize the victims' humanity."  While we're on the subject, why did no one think of suing the intelligence agencies that seriously whiffed this because of something called "The Wall" which was put in place to prevent them from sharing information with each other?