The Whistlers

Director: Corneliu Porumboiu
Year Released: 2019
Rating: 0.5

Corrupt police officer Cristi (Vlad Ivanov) is looking for a bunch of missing money (hint: it's in the mattresses) so he travels to an island where he can learn a secret 'whistling language' to communicate with criminals ... oh, and he gets sexual favors from femme fatale Gilda (Catrinel Marlon), who becomes a partner.  I'm not sure if Porumboiu cares much about storytelling or if, like Godard and Suzuki, just has a disregard for traditional narratives, because this is detached and hardly coherent: it wants to be some slick crime story but its fractured nature interferes with audience involvement (the puzzle pieces are there but they're still scattered on the table).  The scene where an American filmmaker on location gets shot would have been a great joke if the director of this movie made anything of value himself.