
Director: John Stockwell
Year Released: 2001
Rating: 0.5

Kirsten Dunst is the spoiled rich girl who skips class and drinks (don't worry: her antisocial "deviance" is explained away in a later scene - just can't be loony these days, have to have a clear pathology); Jay Hernandez is the determined Latino kid who falls for her and then tries to pull off a balancing act: living it up with her and studying hard to get into Annapolis. I could not buy Dunst as a bad girl for an instant - sneaky, devious, maybe, but not bad - and the relationship doesn't work (feels like a screenwriter's decision to 'reverse' racial and gender stereotypes). Not much to say about the dialogue except there isn't a lot in there - the lyrics to the dozens of songs that drown out the character interactions are the only words you're supposed to hear. Ending can be surmised from the first five minutes - Dunst's father, Dunst and Hernandez, together, make it all right again. That's what the studios want the teens to see, I figure.