
Director: Wim Wenders
Year Released: 2011
Rating: 3.0

Gorgeously recorded homage to the late German dance pioneer Pina Bausch - by fellow German Wenders - that features many of her former pupils/acolytes recreating several of her most notable performances. As splendid (and eclectic) as the dancing is, Wenders kind of skimps on the back story of Bausch, doesn't bother with proper analysis of the pieces (as someone who knows as much about modern dance as I do about opera, I was left a little shaky on exactly what I'm supposed to be on watch for) and the interviews with the performers are riddled with abstract artist-speak and vague recollections of Pina's instruction/direction. Ultimately, it's the fluidity of the bodies in movement and complexity of their interactions with each other (there is a lot of male/female conflict taking place in symbolic form) that counts, and Wenders captures the minimalist beauty of the sets (and dirtiness of the costumes) and precise choreography without being too intrusive.