Side by Side

Director: Christopher Kenneally
Year Released: 2012
Rating: 2.0

Keanu Reeves interviews several filmmakers, editors, cinematographers and performers to get their take on the digital revolution and how digital technology compares to film: there are your old-school stalwarts (like Christopher Nolan) who refuse to give up using film and there are those who have been pioneering it all along (George Lucas, Danny Boyle). Gives both sides of the argument - and there are strong arguments for and against both - but it's ultimately a moot point, since movie theaters are converting to digital en masse. Most of the commentary is rather arbitrary for most movie fans (I've read this discussion over and over and over online), although there are a few good points made by the talking heads: for example, just because there's a sudden overabundance of equipment available doesn't mean the quality of moviemaking is going to get better (some argue it's getting worse). Maybe I'm just on Von Trier's side and believe that everyone who wants to make a movie should just skip film school altogether (Harmony Korine and Werner Herzog have made the same argument). There was junk made in 1948, there's junk made in 2013, there will be junk made in 2030.