The Machine Girl

Director: Noboru Iguchi
Year Released: 2008
Rating: 1.0

Bullying is a serious social problem. Every day, countless students in school are bullied by their peers because of any number of reasons (being physically weak, "looking different," "acting different"), and that bullying can be either physical (actual attacks) in nature or emotional (taunting, name calling, rumor starting). This motion picture, made with papier-mâché, plaster, an unhealthy imagination, a lot of shots done in one take and a penchant for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, shows how the act of bullying is, quite honestly, a slippery slope: it goes from the initial act of mocking and beating up a boy, to that boy's death, to that boy's sister's seeking revenge, to that boy's sister starting a fight with a family with ties to the Yakuza, to that boy's sister losing her arm, to that boy's sister attaching a giant machine gun to that arm, to that boy's sister killing everything in sight which, in turn, means giant plaster heads ending up in soup to giant plaster heads being blown to pieces to giant plaster bodies ending up with holes blown through them. Think of this next time you want to pick on someone for being different. Talk to your kids about tolerance. Talk to your kids about what happens when someone's beheaded. The more you know....